Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bipolar and Diet

An article.

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder over 15 years ago. During that time I've tried many different medications such as Paxil, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Depakote, Risperdal, Seroquel, Lamictal, and Lithium to name a few. All these medications either had intolerable side effects or did not work at all. All the SSRIs made me worse (emotionally) even with a mood stabilizer. Does anyone have any success stories with any new medication or treatments. I'm even willing to try homeopathic treatments, I just want relief.รข€� -- bipolar patient.

Many bipolar patients are frustrated by the endless cycle of medication trials and failure, dosage adjustments, and doctor visits. Some may wish to try homeopathic methods of helping to control this debilitating condition.

In researching natural bipolar treatments discussed on the net, this writer wishes to expand avenues of exploration and ideas for bipolar patients, not to suggest they halt or replace their treatment. Only your health professionals know you best!

Unfortunately, there seem to be no solid studies done on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in bipolar disorder. Most homeopaths themselves recommend their treatment in conjunction with psychiatric or physician visits, not in place of them.

Remember, there is no generalized treatment for bipolar disorder. Whatever methods you may become interested in, the individual as a whole must be treated, and you should never experiment on your own.

Bipolar Disorder and Diet:

Even in persons without bipolar disorder, foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, fatty foods and sugar substitutes, along with caffeine, additives, and preservatives, can adversely affect mood and behavior. Then it stands to reason that in bipolar patients these effects will be even more extreme.

Our food today is much more devoid of vitamins and minerals than it used to be. This situation has given rise to a school of thought indicating that this may have caused an enormous increase in incidents of bipolar disorder, as well as other significant mood disorders.

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